General linear model#

The linear regression model (18) is linear on both features x and weights w, since its predictions are given by the inner product


Of course, the target variable y can have nonlinear dependence on the predictors x. We can easily sacrifise the linearity on x and consider general linear model


The functions ϕj(x) are called basis functions.


As before, the bias is included in (26) by putting ϕ0(x)=1.

Note that

  • if M=d and ϕj(x)=xj, then (26) turns into multiple linear regression;

  • if d=1 and ϕj(x)=xj then (26) becomes polynomial regression.

The popular choices of ϕj(x) are

  • ϕj(x)=exp((xμj)22s2) (Gaussian basis functions);

  • ϕj(x)=σ(xμjs) (sigmoidal basis functions).

Sigmoid function



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